Click on the green PRODUCT INFO plates to open a pdf with general information outlines on analyser choice.

Wet Chemistry

The Vetservice Group is the only provider of in-house wet chemistry systems to vet clinics in the southern hemisphere. Our current main analyser is the InSight DB. Clinics that make the move to wet chemistry generally do so because of their high level of laboratory competence and a large volume of bloods to run. We can add competence to your clinic through high level training and support. The reward is a big increase in profitability, accuracy and speed of testing. Wet Chemistry offers a vast array of extra parameters, many beyond the capability of dry chemistry systems. Call us on 0800 838 737 to discuss. The incentive we offer is substantial.
Pre-An cost $3.50 to $4.00
Sick Animal Profile Cost $10 to $11
For a busy vet practice that is a vet salary every year difference to contracted dry chemistry. Add a free veterinarian to your practice today with wet chemistry.

Dry Chemistry

We sell and service the SpotChem EZ4430 dry chemistry system from Japan and the SKYLA VB1+ system from Taiwan. Skyla have a new 3 draw system that can run 3 panels at the same time, so if you are busy and want fast results, the SOLUTION is here. With over 20 years of service and maintenance history, we are able to support these dry chemistry systems in clinic to the highest standard. Ease of use and lowest cost dry chemistry tests make selection of our systems the most profitable for your practice.

We sell and service the Arkray PocketChem UA 4010 and the 'thinka' urinalysis units from Japan. These units are well established and great high volume semi - quantitative readers using 3 wavelengths to identify parameters.

Patient Monitoring
Benchtop Tests

Our new ANZVet diagnostic label is due January 2024. This direct from manufacture (DFM) label is used throughout Australasia for DFM products. This means we maintain high quality diagnostic products at the lowest prices. Other products will appear under this label as time goes by. We have a wide range of benchtop tests available, including Parvo, FIV, FIV/FeLV combo and Giardia. These tests are well established in New Zealand and available from SVS Veterinary Supplies.
We sell portable hand held patient monitoring devices from the InSight range. These include capnography units. The benefits of having a portable vital signs monitor are made obvious when patients are removed from surgery

Mini Meters
We have a wide range of Mini meters for quick, low cost testing of a range of diagnostic parameters.
g-Pet plus glucose monitoring
Haematocrit monitoring
Lacate Express
Ketone Express
qLabs Coagulation
NOTE NEW ONLINE ORDERING PLATFORM - replaces TradeGecko - Click on the online ordering button to view our full catalogued inventory covering a vast array of diagnostic testing at world beating prices.
Call 0800 838 737 if you do not have or have forgotten your password.
We sell and service 2 types of blood gas analyser. A desktop model from Korea - the i-Smart 300 and the portable - epoc Portable Blood Gas, Electrolyte and Critical Care Blood Analyser. Blood gases are imperative for any clinic looking to provide after hours or critical care services. That 'crashing animal' will have lifesaving decisions made due to the data that blood gas analysis provides. The systems are highly cost effective at around $30 per test panel. EPOC analysers were instrumental in saving lives during Covid providing lifesaving information on oxygen levels in patients showing no signs of hypoxia. The new 2024 model is now available with full screen and WiFi.


We sell and service several electrolyte analysers, from the efficient SpotChem SE1520 system to the highly cost effective i-Smart 30 from Korea and have a brand-new electrolyte analyser from China, the P1. The importance of standalone electrolyte analysis is high. The ability to run sequential electrolytes at low cost while monitoring patient progress is very important. Determining appropriate fluid therapy is also dependent upon electrolyte status. Once again, we lead the market in low-cost testing. Test time in the i-Smart 30 is 30 seconds. Accuracy is of the highest level. The i-Smart now does ionised calcium. Test cost is $4.00 from a 100 test cartridge.

We sell the VCheck V200 endocrine anlayser from Bionote in Korea. this incredibly versatile analyser provides quantitative analysis previously unavailable in these parameters.

We sell and service several types of haematology analysers including the Mythic 18 from Switzerland, the Exigo EOS from Sweden, the BC5000 from China and the exciting new SKYLA SH50 from Taiwan. The Vetservice Group is the only operator in New Zealand that can fully service and maintain haematology analysers. This local expertise underpins our knowledge and understanding of analyser capability. Selecting the best analyser for your circumstances is imperative as running costs can make the choice successful or pointless. Our honest advice will ensure that you do not make a haematology mistake.